A big data developer

Who Are Big Data Developers and Why Does Your Company Needs To Hire Them

With the progression of the IT industry, many new terms have emerged, such as IoT, cloud computing, data mining, and more. One of them is big data. When businesses hear the term big data, they consider it exclusively related to IT and programming. However, this isn’t the case. Big data is the practice of handling huge amounts of data efficiently and predicting data trends.

Big data is utilized in different business operations, from marketing to consumer analytics, so it’s safe to say that big data is becoming an important aspect of modern business practices.

Businesses should jump on the big data bandwagon and get an edge over their competitors. This article will tell you all about big data and why your company needs to work with IT recruitment agencies to hire talented big data developers.

A screen with code

What Are Big Data Developers?

Big data development is divided into two sub-branches: coding and engineering. Big data developers code programs similar to software development. These programs are designed to work on trillions of bytes of data simultaneously. Common programming languages are Java, Python, C++, and Ruby. Additionally, developers also use several databases that store huge amounts of data to perform the computations.

On the other hand, big data engineers are responsible for structuring the obtained data and designing models to interpret data. Data engineers also design organizational models for different departments to help with business operations. For example, they can help the marketing department determine whether users are positively interacting with a campaign or not.

A person writing code

Why Do Companies Need To Hire Them?

To Handle More Customers

As businesses grow, so do their customers, and an increase in customer data requires better models for data analysis. Big data can handle complex sets of data in large volumes without crashing the servers.

Companies can also use big data to analyze various parameters of the data to generate different insights, such as the total interaction time, the payment methods used, and the number of positive responses. These data models can also be combined to improve the efficiency of customer interaction and increase the conversion rate.

More Market Intelligence

Besides customer interaction, big data can also tell you about market dynamics and consumer behavior. This is especially helpful if you’re an e-commerce business. Customer behavior and market trends help predict which products will be in demand, and it’ll help you plan your inventory and prevent product shortages.

Aside from that, businesses can also use them to shape customer preferences and experiences. Big data analysis can tell you which products will be in-demand, allowing you to gain a competitive advantage over competitors and prevent losing customers in the future.

Supply Chain Management

Big data in supply chain management seems useless, but in reality, it’s of immense importance. Predictive analysis using big data can determine big disruptions in the supply chain and allows companies to adjust their supply and demand cycles. For example, the pandemic brought a major change in how traditional supply chains work.

Today’s supply chains need to be agile and data-driven to incorporate sudden global changes without causing businesses to lose valuable customers and profits. Big data can integrate trends from consumers, suppliers, and manufacturers to reduce the risks in supply chain management.

Recommendation and Target Audience

Search engines and social media have made it easier for companies to target specific audiences. But it’s hard to analyze the data obtained against the general audience of a platform. If you hire a big data developer through an IT staffing agency, the developer can easily analyze user data and determine the effectiveness of the targeted campaigns. The analysis will also help predict recommendations that’ll allow the campaigns to reach the target audience better.

Person working on a computer


Innovation is a core element of any business. Even though innovation is grouped with creativity and thinking out of the box, it also relies on data to take the innovation in the right direction. With big data, businesses can improve their research and development methods to design better products and services. Companies can research different data sets to design predictions, consumer behavior, and growth models for businesses to determine which service or product will improve profits.

Better Forecasts

It is typically assumed that big data can only incorporate one huge data set and allow developers to work on it. But in reality, big data can create smaller data elements that monitor different business parameters. For example, a big data set can be used to create a smaller financial data model and a marketing model without the need to regroup the data.

Smoother Business Operations

From hiring to fraud detection, big data can be incorporated into all parts of a business to make operations smoother. The key is to identify the right parameters in the data sets. This is where data engineers come in, they can run different analyses on the same data set to achieve performance metrics for various organizational departments. Analysts can use these metrics to improve business operations.

The Best Ways To Hire Big Data Developers

Creating a regular job posting sounds like an easy way to find a skilled big data developer. However, this isn’t the practical way. Since different parts of a business utilize big data, finding developers and engineers with expertise in that area can be challenging.

On the other hand, an IT recruiting agency can help you find candidates with expertise in your specific field. For example, you can find big data developers for financial modeling or marketing insights. This would be difficult if you were to rely on common job postings. Besides that, the agency will also handle the onboarding process for the candidate and make it easier for them to fit into your organization.

Two people working on a laptop

Find Qualified Big Data Developers With Panacea Direct

Panacea Direct helps to hire managers to accelerate the hiring process by finding skilled big data developers in a short time. Our IT staffing services include finding full-time, part-time, or contractual employees that fit your requirements. Besides big data developers, we also help companies find talented IT project managers, business analysts, and software developers.

Just register your company with us and tell us your requirements, and we’ll help you find talented candidates in no time.

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